Friday, March 4, 2011

3 Days Old

Mylie is still doing pretty well. She pulled her feeding tube out last night & had to get a new one... Her feedings have increased up to 20cc. She has been having various amounts of residual throughout today, so we have not been able to increase them. When we get her up to about 35 we can get rid of her IV... Hopefully that's soon- her IV is starting to look a little angry, so I'm hoping it can hold out until we can get rid of it. As you can tell from the picture she started phototherapy today for jaundice. She doesn't seem to mind being unwrapped. She manages to get herself pretty contorted in there! She weighed 3lbs 11oz today.

My mom took Preston and Kacey home with her this morning. They have spring break next week. All they wanted to do was go to Burlington. It actually has worked out well for me. I spend all my time at the hospital with Mylie & it's nice that I don't have to worry about keeping track of them right now too. Kacey just got some new cowboy boots & plans to perfect her roping skills while she is up there- Even though Popcorn is in Oklahoma at the Timed Event. Maybe he won't be too tired of roping by the time he gets back :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations you guys! She is a cutie. I'm so glad they she is doing well and that you got to stay in Casper! Hopefully we can see the little sweetie sometime!
